Publications Diana van Bergen
Research Publications
International Refereed Articles Published between 2019-2024
Heesen, K., Mérelle, S., van den Brand, I., Van Bergen, D., Baden, D., Slotema, K., ... & van Veen, S. (2024). The forever decision: a qualitative study among survivors of a suicide attempt. EClinicalMedicine, 69.
Looijmans, M, Mérelle M., van Bergen D., Veerbeek, M., Boogert, K., Popma, A. & Gilissen R. (2024). Monitoring Suicidal Behaviour in Dutch Youth Mental Healthcare: A Modified Delphi Approach. Child & Youth Services 1-21.
Looijmans, M., Elzinga, E., Popma, A., Van Bergen, D., Gilissen, R., & Mérelle, S. (2024). Understanding the needs and perspectives of young adults with recent suicidal ideation: insights for suicide prevention. Frontiers in child and adolescent psychiatry, 3, 1376872.
Van Bergen, D., Smit, A., & Feddes, A. R. (2023). Stigma, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Coping of Sexual Minority Youth Raised in Conservative Versus Mainstream Denominations of Christianity: A Mixed Method Study. Sexuality & Culture, 1-23.
Van Bergen, D. D., Dumon, E., Parra, L. A., Motmans, J., Biedermann, L. C., Gilissen, R., & Portzky, G. (2023). “I don’t feel at home in this world” sexual and gender minority emerging adults’ self-perceived links between their suicidal thoughts and sexual orientation or gender identity. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 68(6), 461-469.
de Lange, J., van Bergen, D. D., Bos, H. M. W., Bosker, R. J., Dumon, E., Portzky, G., Motmans, J., & Baams, L. (2023). Differences in risk for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among sexual and gender minority young adults and the moderating role of social support. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Bartelink, B. E., van Bergen, D., Vanderfaeillie, J., Vermeer, P., & Saharso, S. (2023). Weaving webs of well-being: The ethics of navigating religious differences in Christian foster families with foster children of various backgrounds. Social Compass, 70 (4), 600-618.
Braam, M. W., Rasing, S. P., Heijs, D. A., Lokkerbol, J., van Bergen, D. D., Creemers, D. H., & Spijker, J. (2023). Closing the gap between screening and depression prevention: a qualitative study on barriers and facilitators from the perspective of public health professionals in a school-based prevention approach. BMC public health, 23(1), 884.
Looijmans, M., van Bergen, D., Popma, A., van Eijk, N., Mérelle, S., van Veen, S., ... & Gilissen, R. (2023). The self-perceived needs of adolescents with suicidal behaviour: a scoping review. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Looijmans, M., van Bergen, D., Popma, A., van Eijk, N., Mérelle, S., van Veen, S., ... & Gilissen, R. (2023). The self-perceived needs of adolescents with suicidal behaviour: a scoping review. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1-27.
De Lange, J., Baams, L., Bos, H., Bosker, R., Dumon, E., Portzky, G., ... & Van Bergen, D. (2022). Moderating role of coping in the association between minority stress and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among sexual and gender minority young adults. Suicide and Life?Threatening Behavior. 52(6), 1178-1192.
De Lange, J., Baams, L., van Bergen, D. D., Bos, H. M., & Bosker, R. J. (2022). Minority stress and suicidal
ideation & suicide attempts among LGBT adolescents: a meta-analysis. LGBT health. DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2021.0106
Degener, C.J., Grietens H.W.E & Van Bergen, D.D. (2022) Grasping ethnic identity fluctuations of transculturally placed foster youth: A longitudinal study. Qualitative Social Work. 22(3), 537-552.
Van Bergen, D., Eylem-Van Bergeijk, O., & Montesinos, A. H. (2021). Attempted suicide and suicide of young Turkish women in Europe and Turkey: A systematic literature review of characteristics and precipitating factors. PLoS one, 16(8), e0253274.
Van Bergen, DD., Saharso, S., Degener, CJ., Bartelink B.E & Vanderfaeille J. (2021). Moral Dilemmas in Foster Care due to Religious Differences Between Birth Parents, Foster Parents, and Foster Children. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 40(6), 811-822.
Van Bergen, D.D., Feddes, A.R., & de Ruyter, D.J. (2021). Perceived discrimination against Dutch Muslim Youths in the school context and its relation with externalising behaviour. Oxford Review of Education, 1-20.
De Lange, J., Van Bergen, D.D., Baams, L., Timmerman, M.C., & Bos, H.M. (2021). Experiences and needs of sexual and gender minority young adults with a history of suicidal ideation regarding formal and informal mental healthcare. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-13.
Looijmans, M., Van Bergen, D., Gilissen, R., Popma, A., Balt, E., Creemers, D., ... & Mérelle, S. (2021). Additional value of peer informants in psychological autopsy studies of youth suicides. Qualitative Health Research, 31(11), 2056-2068.
Parra, L.A. Van Bergen DD., Dumon, E. Kretschmer, T. La Roi, C. Portzky,G. Frost, DM (2021). Family belongingness attenuates entrapment and buffers its association with suicidal ideation in a sample of Dutch sexual minority emerging adults.” Archives of Sex Research, jan 04 2021, PMID: 33398694.
Osinga, M., van Bergen, D. D., van Brummen-Girigori, O. J., Kretschmer, T., & Timmerman, M. C. (2021). “We say ‘Mothers’ but mean ‘parents’”: Qualitative perceptions and experiences with father absence among Curaçaoan, Curaçaoan-Dutch, and Dutch young people. Journal of Adolescent Research, 38(6), 983-1015.
Balt, E., Mérelle, S., Van Bergen, D., Gilissen, R., van der Post, P., Looijmans, M., ... & Popma, A. (2021). Gender differences in suicide-related communication of young suicide victims. PloS one, 16(5), e0252028
Van Bergen, DD., Wilson, BD., Russell, ST., Gordon, AG., & Rothblum, ED. (2020). Parental Responses to
Coming out by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Pansexual, or Two?Spirited People across Three Age Cohorts.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 83(4), 1116-1133.
Mérelle, S., Van Bergen, D., Looijmans, M., Balt, E., Rasing, S., van Domburgh, L., ... & Franx, G. (2020). “A multi-method psychological autopsy study on youth suicides in the Netherlands in 2017: Feasibility, main outcomes, and recommendations”. PLoS one, 15(8), e0238031.
Kiekens, W., la Roi, C., Bos, HMW., Kretschmer, T., Van Bergen, DD., & Veenstra, R. (2020). “Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks: findings from the TRAILS Study.” Journal of youth and adolescence, 1-16.
Degener, C.J., Van Bergen, D.D., Grietens H.W.E (2020) “Being one, but not being the same”: A dyadic comparative analysis on ethnic socialization in transcultural foster families in the Netherlands. Child & Family Social Work: 1-9.
Degener, C.J. Van Bergen, D.D. Grietens H.W.E (2020). The ethnic identity complexity of transculturally placed foster youth in the Netherlands. Children and Youth Services Review. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104957
Degener, C.J. Van Bergen, D.D. Grietens H.W.E (2020) The ethnic identity of transracially placed foster children with an ethnic minority background: A systematic literature review. Children and Society
Huisman, A., & Van Bergen, DD. (2019). Peer specialists in suicide prevention: Possibilities and pitfalls. Psychological Services. 6(3), 372–380.
Articles in Dutch Journals 2019-2024
Osinga, M., van Bergen, D. D., van Brummen-Girigori, O. J., Kretschmer, T., & Timmerman, M. C. (2023). ‘We zeggen “moeders” maar we bedoelen “ouders”’: Percepties en ervaringen met vaderafwezigheid onder Curaçaose, Curaçaos-Nederlandse en Nederlandse jongeren. Pedagogiek, 43(2), 136-167.
Van Bergen, D., van der Vaart, M., Parlevliet, S., Stiekema, E., & de Jong, W. (2022). Lief, liever, liefst. Een systematische literatuurstudie ten behoeve van een jeugdliteratuur-interventie in het voortgezet onderwijs die een positieve houding over seksuele diversiteit wil stimuleren. Pedagogiek, 42(1), 8-35.
van der Zwaan, L., van Bergen, D., van Brummen-Girigori, O., & Osinga, M. (2022). Moeders op Curaçao, Curaçaose Moeders in Nederland en Nederlandse Moeders Over de Rol van Vader na de Relatiebreuk: Houden ze de Poort Open? Pedagogiek, 42(1), 86-113.
Mérelle, S. Y. M., Van Bergen, D. D., Creemers, D. H. M., Popma, A. (2021). Suïcides onder adolescenten in Nederland: Een levensfase vol uitdagingen. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 60 ( 2), 4-10
Van Bergen, D. (2019). Reden om somber te zijn? Depressie en suïcidaliteit bij jongeren in Nederland: Inleiding op het themanummer. Pedagogiek, 39(2), 139-143.]
Van Bergen, D., & Bijker, L. (2019). Suïcides en suïcidepogingen van jongeren in Amsterdam: Wat weten we van de achtergrond en aanleiding?. Pedagogiek, 39(2), 165-188.
Huisman, A., & Van Bergen, (2019). De waarde van ervaringsdeskundigheid voor suïcidepreventie. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek
Books and Contributions to Books 2019-2024
Dumon, E., Van Bergen, DD. (2019). “Suicidal Behavior of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Persons”. In C. van Heeringen, A. J. F. M. Kerkhof, G. Portszky, & D. de Beurs (Eds.), Handboek Suïcidaal Gedrag. Uitgever De Tijdstroom. [Chapter in Dutch]
(Chapters in) Research Reports 2019-2024
Cense, M.., Joemmanbaks, F., van Bergen, D.D.., Baams, L. ., de Graaf, H., Mailiepaard, E. ... & de Den Daas (2021). ‘Ik was altijd al niet standaard’. Kwalitatief Onderzoek naar de beleving van van bi+ volwassenen.
Baams, L., de Graaf, H., van Bergen, D.D.., Cense, M., Maliepaard, E., Bos, H.M.W, ... & Joemmanbaks, …F. (2021). Niet in één hokje: Ervaringen en welzijn van bi+ personen in Nederland.